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A Weird Season so Far

I took the off season off and spent a lot of time trying to learn how to make the garden better. Also, I wanted to see how to begin attracting other butterflies than just monarchs. At the beginning of the season, my tropical milkweed started sprouting, but I lost all of my other species due to the ridiculous winter we had in the Houston area. I mean, seriously ridiculous - we had snow! And Freeze! And the Astros won the world series! I digress. This is a recent picture of the garden during a pretty decent rain storm (don't mind the hose...) I have found BEAUTIFUL giant milkweed and since we haven't had many monarchs, the milkweed is basically overgrowing. My husband got me the birdbath in the spring as we were planting everything and I think it is a beautiful addition.  So, I did a little research and decided that while I was getting plants for the vegetable garden, I would pick up on fennel plant and see if I could lure some swallowtails into stopping by. Everythin

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