Gender Reveal!

And It Is a...

The first monarch to eclose at the Mini Farm this year is a beautiful lady. 

Wayne was very excited to come home to find that he had not only one - but two butterflies that were ready. 

The first was stretched out and ready to go. 

The second was from a chrysalis that had fallen and I wasn't positive it would make it. It has a slightly deformed wing but seems to be flying fine. This one is also a girl.

I sent a couple of chrysalises to a friend, so his kids could be foster monarch parents. One of theirs made it's debut today - and it was a boy! They have one more - I will get an update from them as soon as it pops out. Kids seem so amazed by the whole process - I think that is the best part. 

We are expecting a few more over the next couple of days and 2 caterpillars are J hanging right now. 

All-in-all it is shaping up to be a pretty active season albeit a little early. 


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